…tHanK yOu…
What in the world
Have I fucking done to you?
Did I let you down?
Did I let you drown?
Did I shoot you?
Please tell me
Cuz I’m confused
My head is fucking messed up
And it is all because of you
It seems you’re fucked up also
At least that’s what you said
I just seem to have some trouble
Figuring why is that?
Did you not get some help?
Or someone did not hold you?
Or maybe, I’d guess
You did not hear “I love you”?
Whatever the reason
It’s not my fault
Cuz no matter how I care
Or how I don’t
You push me down
Don’t hate me but
Rather if you did
At least don’t despise me
Have some respect!
For God’s sake
Act like a man!
You don’t have the guts to face me?
Is that it?
Or maybe
You’re just playing
Having fun
Talking some shit
Is that why?
Tell me
Cuz I don’t get it
You do not give a shit about me
But you were actually affected!
Are you tired of me?
Do you want me to unglue?
Cuz I really do not want you
And deep inside I knew
You were just fucking joking
Playing I must say
But you won’t ever play with me!
Did you hear what I said?
You will not mess me up
It’s not my fault dam it!
I’m not the one who ignores
Neither the one who fakes!
Some people
Say sometimes
“Your problem
Is not to go further”
“Your thing is
You stay behind”
“You never go for it”
And to them I answer:
Are you people sober?
I cannot step ahead
He’ll push me down to bottom!
So you do
And I can’t stand
That once they really get it
I hear: “Let it go”
“Forget him”
But they don’t understand
That I’d be glad if I could
But I can’!
Anyway just tell me
What is your fucking plan?
Make me hate you?
As I would
To make me suffer
And break me down
So that I’ll never
Be around?
Let me tell you
You’re not succeeding
You’re just losing something
Someone, a friend
Cuz I actually do
I care for you!
But do as you wish
Crush me if you must
One day
You’ll be all alone
Thinking back
And wondering why
Why did you throw me off?
And maybe you’ll realise
That I’m not actually alive!
So thank you darling
You made me die…
By: nesS